Garage Sale Tips
Dec 5, 2020

Garage Sale Tips.

It’s time to clean house! You’ve decided you need to get rid of some inventory and you’d like to make some money back in the process. A garage sale is the perfect option here, and while it can seem a bit daunting, it can also be a rewarding experience.

You’ll want to gather up everything you plan on selling and get an idea of just how much you’d be willing to accept for them. You’ll also need to allocate some outdoor space for the sale itself. You’ll want to plan for just when you will have your sale – weekends are typically best, plus you may want to consider starting early in the day, as there are often garage sale hunters looking for deals before anyone else (beware, they often like to haggle!).

Advertising your sale is paramount, so you’ll want to announce your sale, location and planned hours wherever you can at least a couple of days in advance; social media platforms like NextDoor, Craigslist, Facebook and others are great venues. And there’s also the classic poster board option, tacking signs with the information on nearby posts for people to see: remember, keep them short, simple, and clearly visible from a distance for passing drivers!

Some collapsible tables will be helpful to lay the more-easily handled inventory out on, remembering to keep fragile items away from edges. Organize your inventory into groups to help shoppers find things easier. And make sure larger items have a path out past the smaller items if someone is ready to haul them away at the time.

Remember that nowadays it’s important to stay healthy, so keep some rubber gloves and spray- sanitizer available to handle cash. Find a comfortable chair, keep water handy, and you’re ready to go!